the title explains itself...
mine is deryck
NSS41 wrote:actually.... i dont lol i feel stupid now
GASP.You should feel stupid. You're the one who put that avatar in for me!
Edit: I just made the 100th post in this topic. Hehehe.
lyk3 Deryck!!@@#$!@#!!!!!!!1
Psshht you all know it's Cone. He's hawt, talented, my idol, and sexay (sexy is different than hot)
ha, i bet we'll soon have another favorite member thread...
anyway, my favorite is either dave or steve.
hmm, hokay, it's steve!
no, dave! .. i mean, steve. dave?steve, davev asodhfiopuhasoigfuh
yah.. !
NSS41 wrote: i find it funny how we have a whole cone thread arguing about whos the biggest fan yet cone has the least amount of votes on this poll